Yapton & Ford Parochial Church Council : Minutes of Annual Meetings : April 1950 to April 1958

Extracted snippets from the Minutes. These are transcribed verbatim from the original minute book.


Tuesday 7th February 1950
"The Vicar reported that he had met the Cricket Club regarding Drawing Stumps before evensong and it was agreed that they Draw Stumps at 6.30 and that Evensong be at 7.pm."

8th April 1953
"The Vicar reported upon the gift my Mrs Humphrey of a new fair linen cloth with deep crocheted hem of lace for the Altar, on which Mrs G Thompson had embroidered five Crosses. Mr W Loveys proposed and Mr Huxley seconded that a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent to Mrs Humphrey for her generosity."

"The Vicar told the meeting that a Film Strip had been bought giving explanation and instruction of the Coronation Service. It was resolved that this Film Strip, with commentary, be shown in Church after Evensong on Sunday 19 April next."

30th April 1953
"Mr Alan Harrison asked for volunteers for Bell Ringing, and particularly young men. The Vicar supported his suggestion, and remarked that it was sad to hear no bell-ringing from our Church on Easter Sunday, whilst all around could be heard the changes being rung at neighbouring churches."

22nd April 1954
"The Vicar explained the position about the re-shingling of the East side of the Church Tower, the need for installing a Lightning Conductor, and the repairs needed to the organ. It had been decided by the Parochial Church Council, after due consultations, that the organ should be moved to a fresh site, just inside the main door, on the South side, at the time of dismantling it for repairs."

"The People's Warden, Mr L A Coke, had pleasure in presenting to the Vicar a cheque for £34-7s-3d. The Vicar gratefully acknowledged this, and went on to express his thanks to all helpers and Church workers; he mentioned particularly members of the Mothers Union for cleaning the Church Brasses."

Tuesday 12th April 1955
"The Vicar mentioned the recent receipt of a Silver Bread Box as memorial to the late Mrs Martha Hales, and spoke of the new curtains for the altar, and the opening of the window on the South side of the chancel (formerly behind the organ). In other respects the Church Fabric was reasonably good."

"The Vicar expressed thanks to all his many helpers in the Church and the Parish, and to the choir, and to Mr Jupp, organist, and to Cynthia Boniface for her help as relief-organist."

Wednesday 4th April 1956
"The Vicar especially welcomed the 4 new Sunday School Teachers. He felt that now the Church is able to fulfil more adequately its obligations to the Children of the Village."

Wedsnesday 6th February 1957
"The Vicar told the meeting that the Archdeacon and the Architect had visited the Church on 4 Feb last, and had recommended that the timber be sprayed again for Death Watch Beetly and woodworm. They also reported that the East wall of the Vetry was badly cracked and its foundations had subsided, and repairs would soon be necessary. They also recommended that we should consider installing a form of Electric Heating, to replace the existing unsightly 'Tortoise' stove and chimney. Cost of this might be about £500."

Thursday 10th April 1958
"Mr Coke as Hon Sec in his report mentioned the loss of membership in the Council of Mr Walter Loveys after more than 43 years as Churchwarden, Hon Treasurer or other prominent place in Church Work."