Past Events and Past Places
Time to get your thinking caps on again and see if you can help me with some photos.
Here's one of the football teams proudly displaying a cup. Unfortunately there is no information on the back as to when it was taken much less who the players are. I know there are people in the village who will remember this event - can you help with naming the people in the photograph?
Here are interesting then-and-now photos looking up North End Road from its junction with Main Road. The Black Dog can be seen on the left but l’m interested in the single-storey building next to it. This building is no longer there - it’s now the pub’s car park - but what was it? Was it connected with the pub or was it something totally different - does anyone know?
On the opposite side of the road is the usual pool of water associated with this junction! l’ve heard that this was actually a real pond at one time - is this true or just a humorous reference to the continual flooding at this place? Flooding used to be so bad it occasionally required a trip round Church Road/Church Lane to avoid this junction when the water was too deep to pass through. Similar flooding sometimes occurred at Sparks' Corner necessitating a circuitous detour. Fortunately Southern Water seem to have resolved these flooding problems, at least for the time being. Can anyone suggest when this picture was taken?
I think the lesson to be learned is whenever you take a photograph, make sure you write on the back the date, the location and the names of any people shown in the picture before you forget. And you people with digital cameras are not excused either - your computer’s software will allow you to record these details as part of the photograph itself when you store it on your computer!
Geoff Westcott
November 2005
(Originally published in Yapton News & Views, December 2005)
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