Yapton Parochial Church Council : Minutes of Meetings : June 1950 to November 1956
Extracted snippets from the Minutes. These are transcribed verbatim from the original minute book.
Wednesday 13th December 1950
"Mrs Huxley was congratulated by the Council on the Infant Sunday School, an Inspector having reported that there were only three in the diocese and Yapton's was the best."
6th March 1951
"After discussion on Sunday Films shown at the Village Hall, it was left to the Vicar and Hon Sec to draft a letter to the Village Hall Committee suggesting that films of late were not suitable for showing to children on a Sunday and whether the Committee could exercise any control or censorship on films shown."
28th March 1951
"Mr Loveys said the Collections were on a fairly high level and that a Donation of £16 had been received from the Barnstormers towards the Death Watch Beetle repairs."
14th August 1951
"A letter from Messrs Morgan & Smith Ltd of Hove, Sussex, was read, to the effect that the approx. cost of supplying an electric Blower for the Organ, and its fittings would be about £85 on present prices."
Wednesday 5th December 1951
"The Southern Electricity Board had now submitted an estimate for laying on electricity to the Church. Figures are (as estimated):-
Laying electricity cable to Church by S. El. Bd. £85--
Morgan & Smith supplying & fitting Blower £75--
Wiring & lighting the Church S. El. Bd. estimate £259-15-0
(Alternate)"""Messrs Couzens £198-10-3
The meeting agred to proceed with Messrs Couzens' Estimate because it is appreciably lower."
13th March 1952
"The Vicar reported that the West Sussex County Council had inquired about the capacity of the Churchyard for future burials. He had investigated the position and he estimated that there is space in the Churchyard for 120 more graves, and that - based on the last 5 years figures - this is sufficient for about 12 more years. The meeting agreed that acquisition of further ground for extending the Churchyard should be reviewed in about 5 years time."
Wednesday 5th November 1952
"It be recorded in the minutes that: The Gift Day & Donations produced £348-16-4. The Cost of Electric Installation is £390-18-11 and the first service with Electric Lighting was held on Thurs 9 July 1952. The Vicar pointed out that Gift Day money had usually been utilised in part to meet normal annual expenditure, but that all Gift Day money this year had gone towards the cost of Electrical installation in the Church."
Wednesday 4th February 1953
"A letter from the Secretary of the Yapton PArish Coronation Celebrations Committee asking for a representative of the P.C.C. was read. As a result Mr L A Coke was elected as the representative."
"A letter from Major Thompson was read, drawing our attention to the performance of "Rookery Nook" by the Barnstormers on 13 Feb. 53 in aid of the Youth Centre - and also complaining that the Porch Light of the Church was so bright as to dazzle those proceeding eastwards down Church Lane at night time. It was agreed that a less powerful lamp be tried in that position."
Thursday 30th April 1953
"The levelling of some graves on the North side of the Churchard was discussed and agreed upon in principle. Mr Coke told the meeting that the Archdeacon had recommended that Churchyard soil should be re-used every 100 years and so avoid the expense of purchase and upkeep of other land for burial ground."
Tuesday 9th March 1954
"Trees on West boundary of Churchyard. Mrs Hotston reported that owing to the height of these trees now, under certain weather conditions, the wind blew smoke from kitchen chimneys down the chimneys of sitting rooms in both the two Church Cottages and made conditions very unpleasant. The meeting decided that inquiries should be made to get someone to cut down these trees for the value of the firewood they will produce - if possible."
Thursday 20th May 1954
"After discussion, it was proposed by Mr W Loveys and seconded by Mr C Loveys that the cleaner shall be paid at 2/6 per hour, and shall be requested to work 2 hours on each of 2 days per week in the Church. Carried unanimously."
"Trees on West boundary of Churchyard. The Vicar reported receipt of an estimate from Mr New for £69, less expected value of cordwood £6, for removal of these trees and destruction of the stumps. It was agreed that we cannot accept this."
3rd June 1954
"The Vicar reported on still further decay having been found in the timbers of the Tower roof, and the anticipated cost (by Messrs Gray & Son) will be £850 approximately. The Vicar was glad to report that a promise of a further grant of £100 from Diocesan Funds has been received in addition to the earlier £50 promised, towards the cost of all this work. Messrs Gray & Son had advised that a cross, made of copper could be fitted which would act as a Lightning Conductor in itself, and be cheaper than a wooden cross plus separate Lightning Conductor."
Tuesday 14th December 1954
"The 3 trees on the S.W. corner of Churchyard Wall; it was agreed that these be lopped to reduce smoke nuisance to the Hotstons in their cottages."
"It was agreed that the Children's Party shall be on Friday 14 Jan and accepted the kind offer of a friend of Mr Stephen Huxley to provide a Puppet Show after the Tea."
Thursday 10th February 1955
"There was a discussion about a memorial to Mrs Hales, and the Vicar suggested it might take the form of a Silver Bread Box for Communion Services."
Wednesday 27th April 1955
"A letter from the Diocesan Dilapidations Board was read, drawing attention to the increased annual payment now required for Repairs to the Vicarage. This will now be £40-15-9 against the former sum of £35-5-9. Council agreed to pay the extra £5-10-0 involved."
"The Vicar drew attention to letters relating to visits to the Church by two parties in the near future. Arising from this, it was proposed by Mr C Loveys, and seconded by Mrs G Thompson that a Visitors Book should be kept in the Church, and that a suitable notice about the position of the Church Money Box be put up."
"The Vicar said that Rogation Services would be held in the evenings as usual on
16 May at Wicks Farm
17 May at Hobbs Farm
18 May at Stakers Farm.
After discussion it was decided to hold a Rogation Service in Tack Lee Estate after Church on the evening of Rogation Sunday."
"Patronal Festival. The Vicar announced that a programme similar to last year's was being drawn up for the 8 days of July 2nd-9th incl. It will probably be
Monday 4th - Young People
Tuesday 5th - Young Wives and Mothers Union
Wed. 6th - Parish Party at 7.30pm
Thurs. 7th - Mystery Drive
Fri 8th - Evensong and if possible an organ recital and singing.
Sat 9th - Children's Tea Party 5pm."
Friday 21st October 1955
"A letter from the Yapton Boys Club re use of the Youth Centre Building for Sunday School was read stating that an increase in the charge was necessary. It was decided to leave the Vicar to interview the Treasurer of the Club and see if the increased charge could be avoided."
"A letter to the Vicar from a son of the late Mrs M Hales was read, saying that he had sent £20 to be used for something for the Church and as a memento of his Mother, the choice to be at the discretion of the Vicar. The Vicar suggested the purchase of some Vestments for the Church, because the Church possesses none, and those in use are the private property of the Vicar."
Tuesday 28th February 1956
"Proposed Draw by Yapton & Ford Village Hall Committee. After some discussion on the legality and morality of such a thing, the views of the Council were expressed by the following resolution which was proposed by Mr W H Loveys and seconded by Mrs Moss:-
That the Yapton Parochial Church Council, while expressing its willingness and keenness to support the Yapton & Ford Village Hall in its efforts to raise funds; deplores the suggestion of running a draw for this purpose and asks the Village Hall Committee to consider some form of public subscription or other completely legitimate and moral method."
Tuesday 19th June 1956
"Upkeep of Churchyard. The Vicar told the meeting that we have bought a Shay's Rotorscythe costing £42, and have arranged to employ Mr Dean to keep the Churchyard tidy, working 20 hrs per week in the Summer months, and 10 hrs weekly in the Winter - his rate being 1/6 per hour."
"Operation Firm Faith. The Vicar outlines the objects of this nation-wide move by the Church. He said that there are at the Village School 170 children under 11 yrs of age, plus the under 5's, and since 1951 there have been baptised in the Church 175 children. There are attending Sunday School a total of about 60 children only. Therefore there are very many young children quite out of touch with the church and religious instruction. Operation Firm Faith is designed to increase the number of such children receiving instruction and to prevent the leakage of children from Church Service, and the Worship of God. Day school instruction is not enough, and the main difficuly to overcome is indifference in the homes. Therefore contact with the Parents must be established."
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