Yapton Parochial Church Council : Minutes of Meetings : July 1943 to March 1950
Extracted snippets from the Minutes. These are transcribed verbatim from the original minute book.
Monday 8th November 1943
"The Chairman requests that the sum of £15 may be allocated to Ford for various renovations necessary owing to the Church having been closed for so long, and he states that the diamond lights being put in the windows will shortly be completed."
"The Chairman reports that the Vestry in the North Aisle of Yapton Church is most inconvenient and suggest that the wooden cupboard be removed and a curtain be provided to take the place of the wooden door, that the wooden windows in the East Wall be replaced by a stone one similar to the new window at the West end of the Aisle, and that the space where the Vestry now is be made into a Children's Corner, with a Children's Altar; the motion being proposed by Miss Greenwood and seconded by Mrs Hales."
Tuesday 11th April 1944
"The Chairman reports that he made enquiries with regard to the Vestry, and found that the alterations to the window would require a competent stone-cutter and there are none available. He also states that Messrs. Betts have not yet reported on the leaded lights and that it will take from three to six months to procure them from the date of the order. It is resolved that these matters be postponed until after the War."
"The Chairman reports that the Bishop of the Diocese would like the ancient Rogation-tide processions to be revived, and it is resolved that there be a procession and a service on each Farm in the Parish during the coming Rogation-tide."
Saturday January 27th 1945
"The Chairman reports that much money will be needed for the repair and upkeep of the Church and suggests that a Garden Fête be held again this year, and it is resolved that Fête be held at Berri Court, with the kind permission of Mr & Mrs Armitage on a date in the middle of July."
"Mr Loveys reports that there is an ancient Charity administered by Messrs Arnold, Cooper and Tompkins, Solicitors, of Chichester, whereby the monthly sum of 2/- is granted to a poor parishioner of Yapton, and that the last recipient was the late Mrs Forder. Resolved that the Vicar appoint another parishioner for this Charity. Also resolved that further particulars of this history of the Charity be sought from Messrs Arnold, Cooper & Tompkins."
Thursday 3rd April 1945
"On the request of Mrs Hales, it is resolved that the A.R.P. Black-Out be removed from the Church windows."
Friday 1st June 1945
"The Chairman reports that under the Education Act, the sum of £1500 will have to be spent on the Yapton Church School, of which the parish must find £490, and that it is possible to earmark contributions to the Laymen's Appeal for special objects. The motion being proposed Mr Loveys and seconded by Mrs Miller. It is resolved that the Yapton contribution of the Laymen's Appeal be earmarked for the Yapton Church School."
[NB: Laymen's Appeal for the Church in Sussex Fund]
Tuesday 10th July 1945
"The Hon. Treasurer reports that contributions to the Diocesan First Aid Fund for Bomb Damaged Churches, authorised at the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 1941 have been paid as follows:- £3.18.0 in each of the years 1941, 1942, 1943 & 1944, and 19/6d in 1945, making a total of £16.11.6, and that as the European War is over, no further payment will be made."
Friday 31st August 1945
"The Hon. Treasurer reports that the amount realized at the Garden Fête held in July was £100.14.3 and the balance at the bank is £271.17.10. The Chairman states that most of this will be required for repairs to the Church."
"The Vicar expresses his thanks to Mr & Mrs Armitage for all they have done, saying he is very sorry they are leaving the Parish & wishing them every happiness in their new home."
Friday 28th September 1945
"The Chairman states that the various Church Registers deposited during the War with the Registrar at Chichester are shortly to be returned to the Parishes. Resolved that when the Yapton & Ford Registers are returned, they be deposited in the National Provincial Bank at Bognor for safe keeping and a description of the Register be recorded. The description is at the end of this Minute Book." (view)
Thursday 13th December 1945
"A letter is read from the Right Reverend the Bishop of Lewes stating that the Parish Registers should be kept in the Churches to which they belong. Resolved that it be left to the Vicar and Churchwardens to procure a safe in which to keep the Registers and the Church Plate and to consider the best place in the church in which to put it."
"The question of the Electoral Roll is discussed, and it is resolved that forms for new members, and an Electoral Roll Book in which to enter names and addresses be purchased, and that members of the Council make every effort to increase the Roll.Notice is taken that various repairs are needed in the Church, especially to the ceiling, some of the windows, and the worm-eaten beam near the side Altar, and that part of the Tower roof must be re-shingled. The inconvenience of the Vestry, and the possibility of re-opening the Priest's door and building a Vestry on the South side of the Chancel is discussed. It is resolved that Mr Loveys get in touch with the builder, Mr Cousens, about the repairs and the possibility of claiming for the ceiling under the War Damage Act 1943, and the the Chairman write to Mr Godfrey about the Vestry."
Wednesday 13th February 1946
"The Chairman reports that there are now 79 names on the Electoral Roll, 4 of whom are non-resident. He hopes that every endeavour will be made to increase the number still further."
"The Hon. Treasurer states that much needs to be done to the fabric of the Church but the builder, Mr Cousens, advises that the re-shingling of the tower be deferred until it is possible to provide good shingles, steps being taken in the meantime to prevent damage by jack-daws."
Thursday 4th April 1946
"The Chairman reports that Mrs Stearn, the Organist wishes to resign. Resolved that she be asked to reconsider her decision, but if she be unable to do so, she be given a parting present in recognittion of her devoted service for 12 years, and that in future the organist's salary be raised from £15 to a sum not exceeding £30."
Thursday 2th April 1946
"The Chairman submits a letter from the Bishop of the Diocese saying that Yapton and Ford were united into one Benefice in 1875 and that his desire is that they should be regarded as one Parish, with one Parochial Church Council, and one set of Churchwardens who will serve both Yapton and Ford. After discussion, it is proposed by Mr Loveys and seconded by Mr Ellis that there be one Parochial Church Council, and one set of Churchwardens for the Parish of Yapton & Ford; and that the Ford accounts be kept in detail separately from those of Yapton, but be presented at the end of the financial year in conjunction with those of Yapton. It is resolved accordingly."
"Notice is taken that the buttress on the South side of the Church is crumbling. It is resolved that Mr Dart be asked to cement it."
Wednesday 12th June 1946
"The Chairman reports that Miss Marsh has been appointed organist. It is resolved that she be paid a salary of £30 a year."
Friday October 3rd 1947
"Mr Mason showed the Council design for proposed War Memorial to be placed on South Wall of Church under the Window nearest the Side Altar. The P.C.C. unanimously approved of an application for a Faculty for placing the same in that position. It was agreed the Tablet would in itself be an adornment to the Church."
Wednesday 31st March 1948
"Mr W E Mason reported on the War Memorial. It had been decided to erect one in the Church of oak as the 1914-18 War Memorial and one of brass in the Congregational Church. £80 had been collected towards this from the village."
"The Vicar wished to record his thanks to Mrs Thompson for her great help in repairing the Altar Hangings after finding out that new hangings would cost £200 approx."
June 9th 1948
"Mr W Loveys reported that he had further correspondence from Messr Thorpe & Porter, Re Bomb Damage. Mr Cousens the builder was prepared to state that the plaster and roof was in good condition before the Bomb fell."
"A letter was read from Mr Doit the builder with approximate estimates for Repairs as follows.
Mr W H Loveys proposed and Mrs Thompson seconded that laths & plaster be used in preference to Plaster Board. Carried unanimously."
"The estimate for shingling the West side of the Tower and repairing Window frames was verbally given to the Vicar.
Making a total of approx £330."
August 13th 1948
"A letter was read from the War Graves Commission regarding the upkeep of the grave at Yapton of Knight. It was agreed that the Vicar deal with the matter and possibly contact the British Legion."
"It was agreed that the Collections be divided between the Agricultural Benevolent Fund and the Matrons Hospital Fund, and if there was no Matrons Fund under the New Health scheme the whole proceeds go to the Agricultural Benevolent Fund."
December 8th 1948
"Mr W Loveys reported the Tower had been repaired at a cost of £85."
"It was resolved that a Parish Party be held on Jan 5th at 7p.m. and any suggestions would be welcomed by the Vicar."
February 16th 1949
"The attendance at Sunday school averaged between 50 & 60 children."
March 1st 1949
"It was reported that the JackDaws had already started to damage the tower and the Vicar and Mr Loveys were given power to get Mr Dart to put some wire around the eaves to stop them nesting under the tower."
May 13th 1949
"The Vicar invited the parish to a party to celebrate the Patronal Festival on Saturday July 2nd to be held at the Vicarage in the form of an American Tea following a service in the Church at 3.30."
January 5th 1950
"It was reported that some of the Bell Ropes were weak and [...] Pope was asked to make enquiries regarding renewing."
March 27th 1950
"It was agreed that the Church be spring cleaned the week of the 24th of April and volunteers would be most welcome."
"The Vicar reported to the Council that several applications had been received by him for Non Parishioners to be buried in the ChurchYard, some of these old residents who had left the District but wished to return to rest. He wanted the Councils views and also their views on fees. After general discussion it felt that people who had done good work in the Parish but left after many years residence should not be denied their wishes and Mr W Loveys moved and Mr Ellis seconded that the Church Wardens with the Vicar and Mr Geatrell consider all applications and that charges be trebled for Non Parishioners. On being put to the meetings the voting was 5 for and 5 against. The Chairman casting his vote for the resolution."
Previous page: Yapton Parochial Church Council : Minutes of Meetings : 1924 - 1937
Next page: Yapton & Ford Parochial Church Council : Minutes of Annual Meetings : April 1950 to April 1958